Kim Thanh Hotel de Hải Phòng

Viêt NamKim Thanh Hotel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

67 Dien Bien Phu Street, Hong Bang District (67 Điện Biên Phủ, Quận Hồng Bàng), Minh Khai, Hồng Bàng, Hải Phòng, Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 225 3823 471
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 20.8617192, Longitude: 106.6835117

commentaires 5

  • Vadim Reshetnikov

    Vadim Reshetnikov


  • Eric Gritsenko

    Eric Gritsenko


    Ancient hotel

  • Francesco Jacolino

    Francesco Jacolino


    We got stucked in Hai Phong because of the typhoon and needed a place for 1 night (more like for 6 hours). We got here but we won't recommend it even for low budget travelers. Staff was unhelpful and Barely spoke English words. Room was dark and old, toilet looked really dirty. Air conditioning was present but no remote control, so useless. WiFi worked but the reception didn't mention it. I would recommend somewhere else.

  • zh



  • Heulwen Price

    Heulwen Price


    Stuck in Haiphong for one night, decided to stay here because the price seemed reasonable and the room was ok (though the mattress was very hard). However, come check-out time, I discovered that the prices I saw ($16 or 310,000d) were not in fact the *same* price. I was expected to either cough up $16 (which I didn't happen to have) or accept their greedy conversion rate of $ to d, which came out to rather more than 310,000d, which I was smugly informed was the "Vietnamese price". Had this been made clear at check-in, I would probably have either not minded or headed to a different, more honest hotel. As it was, they were holding my passport to ransom and the receptionist refused to contact any manager to resolve my complaint (that foreigners and Vietnamese should be treated equally). AVOID, unless you know what you're getting into. Also, breakfast is no longer included...

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