Level Haiphong Hotel de Hai Phong

Viêt NamLevel Haiphong Hotel



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
Lạch Tray, Ngô Quyền, Hai Phong, Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 24 6663 7879
site web: www.levelhotel.com.vn
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 20.8447, Longitude: 106.692116

commentaires 5

  • Bui Quynh Van

    Bui Quynh Van


    The room is quite clean and tidy. Hoever, the light system is irresonable since there is only half of the room get enough light for working when the sky gets dark. Also, the wifi is so bad that cannot bear multiple people access at the same time. You can only get access during the night. Besides, the door lock here is very old and inconvenience. The door cannot be mannual locked when closing and the key is not sensitive. Thus, when you go out, you needs to spend a lot of time in locking and checking the door or else the door shall not be locked. The breakfast buffet is good. There is variaty choices, and they changes some of the dishes in menu each day. The location of the hotel is a little bit dissapointment. Although it is on the main road of Hai Phong, it is surrounded by multiple mobile store, which is not neccessary for traveller. It takes you around 30 minutes of walking to get any near streets which has foods and other needs. All of the above, I consider the price is higher than the service that they could provide.

  • ko

    Daeun Seo


    저는 괜찮은 것 같아요. 카펫이 아니라서 오히려 좋고 침대는 좀 딱딱하지만 방은 전 마음에 들어요. 위치도 오페라하우스랑 조금 거리가 있지만 걸어다닐만 하고 빅씨마트도 전 걸어갔다 왔어요. 주변에 슈퍼가 없는 것 같지만 그건 낮에 사서 오는길에 가져오면 되니까 뭐.. 조식은 그냥 간단히 때우기 나쁘지 않아요. 오믈렛이랑 쌀국수랑 간단한 다른 거 있어요. 쌀국수에 고수를 넣어주는데 빼달라고 말하는 걸 깜박해서 그냥 참고 먹었어요ㅠ 전반적으로 만족해요

  • en

    Liem Huynh


    Elevators and corridors are stuffy. The hotel seems old. Kitchen is small, not enough space for customers at breakfast time.

  • en

    Andrew Kirwan


    Generally good, clean rooms, breakfast buffet included in the price

  • Daivan Nguyen

    Daivan Nguyen


    Cảnh khá đẹp

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