Tan Long Hotel de Ngô Quyền Hải Phòng

Viêt NamTan Long Hotel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

178, Văn Cao, Ngô Quyền, Ngô Quyền Hải Phòng, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 93 639 88 36
site web: www.tanlonghotel.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 20.8356573, Longitude: 106.7011581

commentaires 5

  • Youngmin Choi

    Youngmin Choi


    1박에 150만동 비싸다 ㅡㅡ;

  • thanh thanh

    thanh thanh


    rất tối

  • Dave K

    Dave K


    Excellent boutique hotel in Saigon / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Conveniently located in District 1 area, putting you within easy walking distance of many beautiful and fun parts of the city. The staff was very friendly, warm and helpful - with good English capabilities for their guests. Highly recommended!

  • Natasha Shan

    Natasha Shan


    Love this hotel - super friendly and helpful staff who go above and beyond (they helped me track down vietnamese herb seeds), great location and you're not paying for extras you don't need like pool, gym, etc.

  • Lucas Jans

    Lucas Jans


    I would love to leave a positive review for this hotel. The service staff is warm and helpful. The location is outstanding, the price is very reasonable, and except for one fatal flaw the facilities are good. The problem is my non smoking room felt like walking into the smoking lounge in the Hong Kong airport. I told the staff who was kind enough to bring an air purifier to the room to help. It just wasn't enough. After taking a shower I realized the towels absorbed the smoke. They didn't bother changing from the last guest. I asked the manager what the penalty was for smoking. He said by the time they discover that someone smoked its too late to track them down and collect money. Hmmm... So I guess what's the point of a no smoking hotel if people can smoke without consequences.

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